
Showing posts from April, 2023

Structure of Universe

Since the beginning people on Earth were curious to understand the structure of the universe. What structures are present in our universe and their details? So in this article, I will try to mention the common structures present in the universe. I will try my best to explain the concepts very simpler so that one can easily understand it. So, let’s start with stars . Stars are massive, luminous balls of gas held together by their own gravity. They are composed mainly of hydrogen and helium, the two lightest elements, with traces of heavier elements. Stars emit energy in the form of light and heat due to nuclear fusion reactions that take place in their cores. These reactions fuse hydrogen atoms together to form helium, releasing a tremendous amount of energy in the process. This energy is what makes stars shine and provides the energy that sustains life on planets orbiting around them. Like our sun whose diameter is 1.39 Million km. All planets revolve around the star. The neighborin

Exploring the Unseen: Understanding Space-Time Curvature and Planetary Orbits

     Since the very beginning people on earth have been curious about understanding how planets are moving around stars like the revolutionary movement of planets and why planets do not eventually fall into stars. So, let’s try to understand the mystery. We will try to understand the topic according to the view of  Newton  and  Einstein . But we will focus more on Einstein’s view of gravity. Initially, Newton named a force called  gravity . Newton tries to explain the planetary motion of planets due to the influence of gravitational force. According to him  “ Everything in the universe attracts other body which is directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them ”. So according to him, Sun is at the center of the solar system and the sun attracts the other planets. Now the question arises why planets do not eventually fall into the sun. This is because of the balance of centripetal force and inertia of planets. T

Birth of the Solar System

  Since the beginning, the people of earth were curious about understanding the hidden facts of our solar system, that how our solar system came into being? How sun formed? Why first four planets are rocky and the last four are gas giants? Why do gas giants have rings? Why do planets and stars have spherical shapes? So, in this article, I will try to explain these questions simply. It is confirmed by scientists that stars and planets are formed by  Nebula.  Nebula is basically a collection of dust and gas clouds present in space. The gas in the clouds is primarily hydrogen, with smaller amounts of helium and other elements like carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, and neon. The dust in the cloud consists of tiny solid particles, typically made of carbon, silicon, and other heavy elements. When the star is about to form something strange happens in the nebula. The movement of dust and gas clouds increases.  Now the question arises how the movement initially increases?  There are many reasons expla