
General Theory of Relativity

  One of the most important theories in the field of physics is Einstein’s theory of relativity. The theory of relativity has 2 parts one is the special theory of relativity and the other is a general theory of relativity. As in the previous article, I discussed the Special theory of relativity. Now will discuss the general theory of relativity. The general theory of relativity was proposed by Einstein in 1915. The theory revolutionized our concept of space-time and gravity. General relativity is a theory of gravitation that describes the motion of massive objects in spacetime, proposing that gravity is the curvature of spacetime caused by the presence of mass and energy. Now let’s dive into the theory.      Background: Before general relativity, Isaac Newton's laws of motion and gravitation had been the prevailing theory of gravity for over two centuries. However, as scientists made more precise observations and conducted experiments, certain inadequacies and inconsistencies with

Special Theory of relativity

  Special Theory of Relativity             There are many theories that exist in the world but the theory that is more famous in the world of physics is the Theory of relativity . The theory of relativity consists of 2 theories, one is special theory another is general theory. In this article, I will discuss Special theory. The special theory of relativity was proposed by famous physicist Albert Einstein in 1905. This theory revolutionized our understanding of space, time, and motion. Now let’s discuss in details. What is Theory?:             Let’s first discuss what theory is? In a simple way, a theory is an explanation or a set of ideas that helps us understand how something works or why something happens. It's like a framework or a model that helps us make sense of the world around us. They are based on observations, experiments, and evidence gathered by researchers. Theories can be tested and refined over time as new evidences are discovered. This means predictions made i

Exploring the Enigmatic Eight: A comprehensive study of Planets in our solar system

  Since the beginning people on planet Earth were curious about knowing the hidden secrets of other planets on which they live and other planets of the solar system. Their common questions were what other planets are made of? Do they have water and an atmosphere? Can humans live there? So, I will try to give a comprehensive view of all planets of the solar system and answers to commonly asked questions.             Let’s discuss first what is a planet. Planets are celestial bodies that orbit around a star, such as our Sun. They are large enough to have a nearly spherical shape due to their own gravity. They are classified into 2 main types Terrestrial planets and gas giants. Terrestrial planets are small, rocky planets like Earth. They have solid surfaces and are composed of mostly silicate rocks and metals. Gas giants are large planets made up mostly of gases, such as hydrogen and helium, along with other volatile compounds. Gas giants lack a solid surface and have thick atmospheres.